
TV, Music, Cookies, Trust, Romeo


tv, music, cookies, Trust, Romeo
5 word-input-poetry inspired by Nicole,
Stefan{at}MyTree.CH 26.09.2009


Would you trust in Juliette
if you were Shakespeares Romeo?
Wouldn't you ever regret
not to listen to your favorit music in dolby digital stereo?

Would you cut your right ear
in order to paint like Vincent?
and, how much money would you spent
if you were deaf-blind
and all of a sudden you could hear?

Would you eat Cookies and watch TV
if you had only one day in your life left?
Tell me! Who would you like to be?
To be charged with identity theft?

Yes, it sounds quite bitter
But you can be anyone on TWITTER
You can even be Britney Spears Babysitter!
After all, isn't it just too much digital litter?

Please write your own Poetry including the 5 words above and
win a deep insight into your own soul!

Please post your opinion or your own poetry-version in the comments!

Let it flow & let it grow!


Der Skarabäus

Der Skarabäus
By Stefan{at}MyTree.CH 11.10.2009

Ein Skarabäus zieht übers Himmelszelt
und sieht herab auf unsre winzige Welt
Die Fragen die er sich da oben stellt
bleiben für uns wohl un-erhellt

Ein Skarabäus krabbelt übers Himmelszelt
Gejagt von einem Hund, der niemals bellt
Getrieben von der Kraft, die der Wind enthält
Er immer die selbe Distanz behält

Der Skarabäus zieht von dannen
verschwindet hinter den Tannen.

Wer mit den Wolken auf Welt-Reisen geht
Weiss dass er aus dem selben Stoff besteht
und kann reisen so viel er will
er ist dennoch nie am Ziel.

auf Reisen?

Curator of your life!

Curator of your life!
by Stefan{at}MyTree.CH 02.12.2010 inspired by Tree Riviera - TREEhugger/USA!
Input: Divinity, Endurance, Unruffled, Puddle, Bashful
Output: Cockney Rhyming Slang-PoeTREE! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockney
Curator of your life!
by Stefan{at}MyTree.CH 02.12.2010

Is it all about bread and honey
that you find in your sky rocket?
It might sound extremely funny
but you can't shake hands with the fist in your pocket!

What do you do when your plats hurt?
Do you find divinity in a tweeting bird?

What is the endurance of a blissful mind?

Can you see the TREEspirit or are you completely blind?

"Life is just a puddle of mudd?"
Don't tell porkies!

You have everything you've got!

So play some short keys!

Once I had too many Britneys

but I was still bashful for years
so stay unruffled - use yer loaf
and trust in the guy above

on the Apples and Pears to heaven

or on your flight on the 9th of 11

Are you with yourself at strife?

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